Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb


The excelency headmaster of SMKN 1

The horonable teacher and staff

And all my beloved friend

First, let’s praise to th prophet Allah SWT who has the mercy and blassing so that we  can gather in the event English speech contest.

Peace and prayer be upon his final prophet and messenger Mohammad SAW, who change the darkness to te lightness. The only one who could give syafaat in yaumil qiyamah. Amin.

Ladies and gentleman,


English is one of the popular languages in the world. So, no wonder the English language I stil of elementary school. Learning English is not easy the need for seriousness in learning. The important thing is getting used to using it regulary.

Therefore,SMKN 1 held the English speech contest. Which aims to meaure the ability to speak English. But many student who participated  in this eent. Applaue for the English speech contest participants.


Ladies and gentleman,

Here I as master of ceremony of the English speech contest will readthe order in this morning.

  1. Opening
  2. Greetings
  3. Core event
  4. Prayer
  5. Closing

Immiadetely, we started this event with reading basmalah…..

The next event is greeting, the first greeting is a greeting the chairman of the commite. Welcome him….

The second greeting rom the headmaster of SMK N 1for opening English speech contest to Drs. Djoko Susilo, S.Pd MHum welcome……….

The event is the most we’ve been waiting for. Have participants demonstrated their ability to make a speech.

Good al the capabilities af the participants,

Cheers once again to the participants….

The next event is prayer, welcome to the Drs. Sukardi.,M.Pd. I

Ladies and gentleman,

            Series efent of event was over. If there is one word I’m sorry. I shall see you at the next contest


Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb


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